
area target中文是什么意思

  • 地区目标
  • 面状目标 领域目标



  • 例句与用法
  • Computer simulation of evaluating fire effectiveness to area target
  • Ffars can be used effectively in any quantity required , from a few rockets fired at a single target to an entire barrage being placed on an area target
  • Finally , the functional design and key technologies of the sea area target surveillance system for remote sensing images are discussed . the differences of the ship targets between the optics image and sar image are analyzed primarily
  • This tool realized connection of stk and matlab , solve the problem of data transfer between this two software . and the user can get the final schedule result only by providing the primitive parameter of satellites and area target
  • Based on analysis of the military application requests for a space reconnaissance system and the system ’ s working mechanism , this thesis studies the modeling and solving methods for the efficiency optimization problem of area target observe task using irs
  • Finally , a simple irs schedule tool which faces on area target was realized . the main contents and fruits of this paper are outlined as follows : first , on the basis of analysis of characteristic of irs , this article summarize main constraints existing in scheduling of irs
  • Based on the first step , modeling and solving methods as the secondly step was use to com out the final result . second , in the problem of irs observing area target , the two intentions of maximal observing time and maximal observed area are conflicting
  • This paper , which background is engineering application , is based on the theory of the understanding of sar image . it studies on the aspects of ship target detection , ship wake detection , ship feature extraction and establishment of the sea area target surveillance system
  • This paper discusses in detail the range of lon gitude of ascending node of the orbits , by which point and area targets can be c o vered in different conditions by considering the disturbance of the earth shape j2 using a sphere triangle method , and provides a whole analytic expressio n
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 其他语种释义
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